Copro Gallery (US)

Copro Gallery (US)

For more info on Copro Gallery

Copro Gallery was founded in 1992 by Joe Copro, Greg Escalante and Douglas Nason as an entity to curate art exhibitions of emerging artists and publish the highest quality limited edition prints. Copro Gallery also became a base for assisting and curating museum exhibitions which it continues to do. In 1994 owner Greg Escalante co-founded Juxtapoz magazine and the gallery participated with the magazine to curate, publicize and be a media sponsor of many events inside and outside of the gallery and further promote artists. In 2000 the gallery founded a permanent location.

The gallery, located at Bergamot Arts, is divided into two exhibition spaces, sometimes featuring a single artist but often two or three.  Large group exhibitions are also featured often in conjunction with outside curators . In following with it's original mission, Copro participates in International Art Fairs and curates outside exhibits to help promote their artists.

Art Genre(s): Contemporary Surrealism | Macabre Art | Alternative Art

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Are you an artist looking to submit your artworks to Copro Gallery?

"We don't accept submissions and anything mailed to us we will not be responsible for or return. You are welcome to e-mail us jpg's of your work or web-links and we will look at them and contact you if interested. Please do not call us or show up with your art at our gallery. Thank you in advance for your cooperation." - Copro Gallery

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