About A Hooligan's Odyssey

A Hooligan's Odyssey comprises the travel section of Circus Living and revolves around the travel (mis)adventures of the youngest monster Seamus and his band of Hooligans.

A Hooligan's Odyssey's Vision

“To question and deconstruct society’s perceptions of reality through a young explorer’s senses in a quest to encourage our readers to practice ongoing self-reflection, discourse, and free thought.”

A Hooligan's Odyssey's Mission

"Back Yard: 'Off Limits' to the general public. Dressing rooms, ring stock tents (padrooms), wardrobe and costume departments, doctor's wagon, tailor's wagon and performer's rest areas were all located in the back yard of the railroad transported circuses." - derived from glossary of circus terms

Welcome to our Back Yard. A Hooligan's Odyssey provides a behind the scenes and personal glimpse of the miscreants of Circus Living and their leader Seamus. Through Seamus’ adventures, we present a world mediated by the senses of a wild, wondrous, impulsive, and enthusiastic boy using a camera and a camcorder. Part truth, part fiction, we challenge your perceptions of what constitutes reality and the “Real” in an ever-increasing mediated world replete with filters, masks, and disclaimers. So, hold on for the ride and let this tiny terror be your guide.

About Seamus

Seamus is the inspiration for Circus Living. Having dreamt about him before he was even conceived, he has held a unique and special bond with his mom Cat. Despite being the youngest and smallest of the bunch, he has strongly held his own with the rest of the Hooligans. The ruler and the leader, Seamus is not afraid to explore new places, new environments, and various facets of the unknown, much to his family’s unease at times. He has the heart of a traveller in more ways than one. Not a stranger to horror films or the paranormal, Seamus has had his fair share of zombies, monsters, ghosts, and ghouls. The dark does not frighten him. In the dark is where you will find him likely getting ready to scare the poop out of you. At five years old, Seamus will show you a world and a life worth exploring and embracing in all its simplicity and candor.