Agora Gallery

Agora Gallery


Need help deciding on whether Agora Gallery is the right gallery for your artworks? If you are an artist interested in finding out more about Agora Gallery, here's a page listing all of the info we have compiled on the gallery thus far.

Specifically, information regarding the gallery's submission requirements, costs involved (if any), the gallery's artistic preferences (if the gallery tends to promote a specific theme in their shows for example), the gallery's reputation (per reviews and media coverage), the gallery owner/founder's professional and educational background, and how the gallery promotes its artists' works are offered in this page.


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Circus Living came across the guide entitled "Starving" to Successful where gallery owner J. Jason Horejs describes how an artist can increase one's presence in the gallery market. Horejs offers advice and suggests actionable steps to follow in order to become more successful when marketing one's work to art galleries. The guide may be worth looking into for those of you who are interested to hear from a seasoned gallery owner.

If interested in checking out the guide, check it out at this link --> "Starving" to Successful

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Agora Gallery Artist Submissions
(New York) 

"Agora Gallery welcomes portfolio submissions from artists seeking gallery representation throughout the year."

Art Genre(s):
Contemporary Art

Art Form(s):
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Digital, Printing, Mixed Media

Submission Scope:

Cost(s) Involved:
Submission Fee - $50
Representation Cost (upon acceptance) - $3,450 + (depending on promotional options selected)

Commission Structure:
Gallery 30%

About the Gallery:
Agora Gallery was established by the late Miki Stiles, MFA, to provide opportunities to artists entering the global art market. Ms. Stiles was a visionary who founded the gallery on the principle that all artists benefit from having their artwork promoted by a professional gallery. 

How the Gallery Promotes its Artists:
On the Agora Gallery website, they indicate that their promotional services (which carry additional fees apart from the submission fee) include targeted public relations, email and print invitations to the artist's exhibition, online and social media exposure, listings in NY art publications, inclusion in the exhibition catalog, assistance with pricing, aid with writing artist documentation, opening reception for the exhibition, and more.

Year Founded:

Gallery Owner:
Ariel Kahana

Gallery Owner's Educational & Professional Background:
(Info taken from Agora Gallery website) Ariel Kahana studied industrial design and computer science. As the son of the founder, Ariel gained a great deal of inside knowledge of the art world from his mother. He inherited Agora Gallery in 2001 and has since been involved in the development of the gallery and the integration of new technologies in the art field.

There is some discussion among artists online as to the validity of Agora Gallery. Given the high costs associated with exhibiting at the gallery, some artists question its legitimacy. It is worth noting that the gallery is transparent and forthright about their fees, as they are all clearly outlined on the gallery's website. Thus, there is no pretense there. It is up to you, as an artist, to research and determine if exhibiting at the gallery taking into consideration the costs involved would be beneficial to you.

Sites containing the most current reviews of the gallery are listed below. 
>>Google Reviews
>>Facebook Reviews

Social Media Presence:
>>Agora Gallery on Facebook
>>Agora Gallery on Instagram
>>Agora Gallery on Twitter
>>Agora Gallery on Youtube
>>Agora Gallery on Pinterest
>>Agora Gallery on LinkedIn

>>Agora Gallery Website

Submission Process:
>>Agora Gallery Submission Process

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